The R&D team in Sydney have assembled a .NET client library for the CaaS REST API
on Github (here), which is freely available and open source.
We use this in day-to-day automation tasks such as spinning up lab environments, testing backup clients and the backup server (as a consumer) and scaling out our Virtual Machines.
We have also assembled a set of PowerShell Cmdlets for doing simple tasks in CaaS and published this online free for any customers or internal usage.
Installing the Module for Windows desktop or server
First download the ZIP file to your desktop.
Extract this ZIP to the PowerShell modules folder on Windows (C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules)
This will create a sub-directory called 'CaaS' with the module DLLs and a schema so that PowerShell knows what to do.
PS C:\Users\anthony> Get-Module -ListAvailable CaaS
Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Binary CaaS {Add-CaasBackupClient, Add-CaasAclRule, Add-CaasNatRule, R...
To get a list of commands available use the default PowerShell command Get-Command
PS C:\Users\anthony> Get-Command -Module CaaS
CommandType Name ModuleName
----------- ---- ----------
Cmdlet Add-CaasAclRule CaaS
Cmdlet Add-CaasBackupClient CaaS
Cmdlet Add-CaasNatRule CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasAclRules CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasBackupClients CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasBackupClientTypes CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasBackupSchedulePolicies CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasBackupStoragePolicies CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasCustomerImageImports CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasCustomerImages CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasDataCentre CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasDeployedServer CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasNatRules CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasNetworks CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasOsImages CaaS
Cmdlet Get-CaasOvfPackages CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasBackupJob CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasConnection CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasImportCustomerImage CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasNetwork CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasServerDetails CaaS
Cmdlet New-CaasVM CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasAclRule CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasBackupClient CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasBackupJob CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasNatRule CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasNetwork CaaS
Cmdlet Remove-CaasVM CaaS
Cmdlet Set-CaasBackupClient CaaS
Cmdlet Set-CaasBackupPlan CaaS
Cmdlet Set-CaasProvisionBackup CaaS
Cmdlet Set-CaasServerState CaaS
As you can see there are some commands for basic utilities in CaaS, such as creating VMs, getting lists of servers, networks or datacenters.
The first command you need to use is the New-CaaSConnection command, this creates a connection to the API with your credentials. Of course, you will need a CaaS account first.
The CaaSConnection command takes a PSCredential object, you can initialize one by either prompting for a login in Windows, e.g.
PS C:\Users\anthony> $login = Get-Credential
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
PS C:\Users\anthony> $login
UserName Password
-------- --------
cbu-test-lab-01 System.Security.SecureString
Or by creating one in the script:
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "myPassword123" -AsPlainText -Force
$login= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("cbu-test-lab-01", $secpasswd)
Once you have a login object, you need the API Base URI for your CaaS tenant, if this is a private hosted or private cloud, this will be published seperately. All public instances are listed on the
REST API documentation
For reference the Dimension Data URLs are:
North America (NA)
Europe (EU)
Australia (AU)
Africa (AF)
Asia Pacific (AP)
South America (SA)
For this example, I will use the Dimension Data Australia instance as
PS C:\Users\anthony> New-CaasConnection -ApiCredentials $login -ApiBaseUri
So you see we now have a client connection object, this is used for the other commands to send the credentials and the API connection details. The client connection is stored in the runspace, so you don't have to pass it as a parameter.
Now, we can run commands such as :
PS C:\Users\anthony> Get-CaasNetworks | Format-Table
id name description location privateNet multicast
-- ---- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------
9eb09828-e2f7-11... My Example Network 1 AU1 false
9eb09f1c-e2f7-11... My Example Network 2 AU1 false
Commands can be chained, for example to get a list of your networks and then for each network a list of ACL rules:
PS C:\Users\anthony> Get-CaasNetworks | Get-CaasAclRules | Format-Table
id name status position action protocol sourceIpRan destination portRange type
ge IpRange
-- ---- ------ -------- ------ -------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----
70818fcb... default-98 NORMAL 98 DENY TCP IpRangeType IpRangeType PortRang... INSIDE_ACL
82ef4a7e... default-99 NORMAL 99 DENY TCP IpRangeType IpRangeType PortRang... INSIDE_ACL
a650bbc2... default-100 NORMAL 100 PERMIT ICMP IpRangeType IpRangeType PortRang... OUTSIDE_ACL
Servers can be listed using the Get-CaaSDeployedServer command
PS C:\Users\anthony> Get-CaasDeployedServer | Where name -eq "CMS"
backup :
name : CMS
description :
operatingSystem : OSType
cpuCount : 4
memoryMb : 8192
disk : {3f73f797-d72c-4c32-aa5a-933ea1c11974, 207d8751-0eec-4616-89d3-6e251610b3df}
softwareLabel : {MSSQL2012R2E}
sourceImageId : f1433fd7-957f-4940-ab00-873ff953f056
networkId : e4cc9bde-59ba-11e1-9153-001b21cfdbe1
machineName : 10-218-122-12
privateIp :
publicIp :
created : 4/14/2014 5:34:27 AM
isDeployed : True
isStarted : True
state : NORMAL
status :
machineStatus : {vmwareToolsVersionStatus, vmwareToolsRunningStatus, vmwareToolsApiVersion}
id : 30515bba-d7a8-4a55-8a7b-4c71144876c4
location : AU1
Here are some other examples:
Get a list of virtual machines that have backup and print the service plan they are in:
$serversWithBackup = Get-CaasDeployedServer | Where backup -NotLike $Null
foreach ( $server in $serversWithBackup) { Write-Host $ is $server.backup.servicePlan }
Servers in a bad way
$badServers = Get-CaasDeployedServer | Where state -NotLike "NORMAL"
I will follow up with some additional posts on common tasks using the PowerShell commands.
Anthony Shaw
Please download version 1.1...